A pesar del calor que hacía, todos esperamos ansiosos la salida de la banda, que a las 21:30 abrieron con Classy Girls.
El show fue fiel al espíritu de la banda; libre, alegre, genuino, descontracturado y lleno de garra.
Con su sorprendente barba larga, Wesley Shultz nos hizo saltar y cantar al ritmo de Ho Hey y Stubborn Love. En ese momento nos pidió a todos los presentes que guardáramos los celulares y cámaras así disfrutábamos con ellos del momento.
Nuestras canciones favoritas aparte del clásico Ho Hey: Flowers in your hair, Dead Sea (¡lo coreamos todos!), la "nueva" canción a dúo de Wesley Schultz y Neyla Pekarek (Falling in love), Charlie Boy, y Submarines. También tocaron Slow it Down, Morning Song, Big Parade, Gale Song y covers de Dylan (Subterranean Homesick Blues), Sawmill Joe (Ain´t Nobody´s Problem) y Talking Heads (This must be the place).
Momentos destacados: el entusiasmo de Stelth Ulvang cuando arengó al público subido arriba del piano y cuando tocó el acordeón al ritmo de Darlene y Flapper Girl, descalzo desde la baranda del entrepiso! También fue durante ese momento que Wesley y Jeremiah decidieron tocar en una tarima en el medio del público, lo cual fue genial para la gente que había quedad más atrás y los quería ver mejor.
Tiradores, pies descalzos y panderetas resumen de lo que fue una noche perfecta!
Last week The Lumineers performed at Niceto Club in Palermo. Wesley Scultz, Jeremiah Fraites, Neyla Pekarek, Stelth Ulvang and Ben Wahamaki set foot on argentine soil for the first time and sold out in a few hours.
Despite the hot weather and the small size of the venue, we were all really looking forward to see them.
When they finally came out at 9:30 PM with "Classy Girls", the lead singer couldn´t make it through the first words without the crowd enthusiastically singing along.
The show was faithful to the spirit of the band; soulful, warm, happy and full of passion.
Midway through the intro of Ho Hey, Wesley Schultz stopped the music and asked the packed crowd to put away their cameras and phones for a while to join them and savor the moment. The audience complied (for a while) and the band encouraged part of the crowd to sing Ho! while the rest sang Hey! Stubborn, Dead Sea, Submarines next to Ho Hey were the show´s biggest hits.
Other favorite songs were: Flowers in your hair, the new duet song sang by Wesley Schultz and Neyla Pekarek (Falling in love) and Charlie Boy. They also played Slow it Down, Morning Song, Big Parade, Gale Song and cover songs by Bob Dylan (Subterranean Homesick Blues), Sawmill Joe (Ain´t Nobody´s Problem) and Talking Heads (This must be the place).
Highlights: pianist Stelth Ulvang cheering the crowd and then leaping off the top of his upright piano. Another great moment from him was when he played barefoot the accordion from the railing of the mezzanine, while Wesley Schultz and Jeremiah went into the crowd to perform Darlene and Flapper Girl.
Last week The Lumineers performed at Niceto Club in Palermo. Wesley Scultz, Jeremiah Fraites, Neyla Pekarek, Stelth Ulvang and Ben Wahamaki set foot on argentine soil for the first time and sold out in a few hours.
Despite the hot weather and the small size of the venue, we were all really looking forward to see them.
When they finally came out at 9:30 PM with "Classy Girls", the lead singer couldn´t make it through the first words without the crowd enthusiastically singing along.
The show was faithful to the spirit of the band; soulful, warm, happy and full of passion.
Midway through the intro of Ho Hey, Wesley Schultz stopped the music and asked the packed crowd to put away their cameras and phones for a while to join them and savor the moment. The audience complied (for a while) and the band encouraged part of the crowd to sing Ho! while the rest sang Hey! Stubborn, Dead Sea, Submarines next to Ho Hey were the show´s biggest hits.
Other favorite songs were: Flowers in your hair, the new duet song sang by Wesley Schultz and Neyla Pekarek (Falling in love) and Charlie Boy. They also played Slow it Down, Morning Song, Big Parade, Gale Song and cover songs by Bob Dylan (Subterranean Homesick Blues), Sawmill Joe (Ain´t Nobody´s Problem) and Talking Heads (This must be the place).
Highlights: pianist Stelth Ulvang cheering the crowd and then leaping off the top of his upright piano. Another great moment from him was when he played barefoot the accordion from the railing of the mezzanine, while Wesley Schultz and Jeremiah went into the crowd to perform Darlene and Flapper Girl.
Overall, we loved the concert, they sound incredible live!, with so much energy we had a great night!
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